Summer Planted Brassicas…maybe not!

Most years, mid July is about planting summer brassicas for bulb production.  This is all about trying to create more food available for deer during late season.  I accomplish this by tilling under soybeans in my exterior plots that have been browsed off heavily…only this year the rains have continued to come and the heat has pushed my beans to out grow browsing pressure by the deer.  Bottom line, I don’t have beans along edges or small plots that have been browsed off like most years.  This makes for an easy decision for me…pass on summer planted brassicas.  This is a rare occurrence but I’ll take standing beans over brassicas any late season.  I did however, at the end of June, overseed some beans that were coming in thinly on two plots…we’ll see how those turn out because I’ve never planted brassicas (in this case Appin turnips) that early.

The interior plot "Cage Fight" a few weeks after mowing in late June.  Almost all weeds are gone and the plot is looking great.

The interior plot “Cage Fight” a few weeks after mowing in late June. Almost all weeds are gone and the plot is looking great.

My dad checking out a soybean plot.  These beans normally get hammered real hard so I will plant brassicas  along the edges.  This year, the beans are great.

My dad checking out a soybean plot. These beans normally get hammered real hard so I will plant brassicas along the edges. This year, the beans are great.  

I don't like planted soybeans directly with corn...but I will plant them along side each other.  Corn is not a favorite plot of mine but this small 1 acre corn plot was put in this year to have a little variety come late muzzleloader.  The beans were planted later (early June) and I'm overseeding them here with appin and purple top turnips.

I don’t like planting soybeans directly with corn…but I will plant them along side each other. Corn is not a favorite plot of mine but this small 1 acre corn plot was put in this year to have a little variety come late muzzleloader. The beans were planted later (early June) and I’m overseeding them here with appin and purple top turnips.  This plot has been fenced in using a two row electric fence system.

A first for me...overseeding brassicas in beans in June. These are appin turnips...we'll see how this turns out. I only did this because in a couple small areas of two of my bean plots the beans were coming in thin. I overseeded with turnips to try something new.

A first for me…overseeding brassicas into beans in June. These are appin turnips…we’ll see how this turns out. I only did this because in a couple small areas of two of my bean plots the beans were coming in thin. I overseeded with turnips to try something new.  Appins are known for forage production but will put on bulbs if given enough time?  Time will tell right?

We had one bean plot that was not completely canopied over so my son Forest overseeded with some appin and purple top turnips.

We had one bean plot that was not completely canopied over so my son Forest overseeded with some appin and purple top turnips.


2 thoughts on “Summer Planted Brassicas…maybe not!

  1. Nice job rolling with the punches this year with the weather. Have to be on your toes all the time don’t you. Your hunters should be sitting pretty good with the work you are putting in again for them. Best of luck to your hunters, I hope they reap the rewards of your hard work.

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