Changing weather brings it on!

Today is October 27th and it is on!  Wednesday’s rain and low pressure backed by cold northwest winds on Thursday triggered something in the deer woods.  I did some speed scouting Friday popping in and out of some of my favorite food plots and what a difference a few days makes.  Scrapes are ripped up, food sources are getting pounded, and deer are on their feet.  All fall so far my cameras have been luke warm at best…getting a few pictures of good bucks but pretty sporadic at best.  I put my cameras on scrapes about 3 weeks ago.  They blew open this Thursday and into Friday as the front moved through the mid-west.  I said earlier that with the drought, if you re-planted in green for this fall it would pay dividends…well it has.

“The Boot” interior plot. Looking from the field into the woods, you can see the trail we cut into the woods. Back in the timber about 50 yards starts a quarter acre interior plot planted in August with clover and brassicas. I’ve had over 30 buck pictures with 3 mature deer just on this one plot in the woods in the past 3 days! This time of year….nothing out performs an interior plots like this.

My interior green plots are getting ripped up right now—you can see evidence of rutting activity centered around these food sources.  If you have a green interior plot—get on it and sit all day!

This picture taken on a narrow road leading into an interior plot. The rutting activity is really picking up around these interior food plots and will continue throughout the rut.

“Barkley” on the same interior plot. This picture taken in the morning. If one of these plots gets hot…get in there right now and sit as long as you can. You will see deer activity on these interior plots all day!

Also, check out my 2012 pics for an update of what I pulled from the cameras yesterday!

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